This is the complete list of members for xacc::Instruction, including all inherited members.
accept(std::shared_ptr< BaseInstructionVisitor > visitor)=0 | xacc::BaseInstructionVisitable | pure virtual |
accept(BaseInstructionVisitor *visitor)=0 | xacc::BaseInstructionVisitable | pure virtual |
acceptImpl(T &visited, std::shared_ptr< BaseInstructionVisitor > visitor) | xacc::BaseInstructionVisitable | inlineprotectedstatic |
acceptImpl(T &visited, BaseInstructionVisitor *visitor) | xacc::BaseInstructionVisitable | inlineprotectedstatic |
addArgument(std::shared_ptr< CompositeArgument > arg, const int idx_of_inst_param)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
addIndexMapping(const int idx_1, const int idx_2) (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
applyRuntimeArguments()=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
bits()=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
channel() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
clone()=0 (defined in xacc::Cloneable< Instruction >) | xacc::Cloneable< Instruction > | pure virtual |
customVisitAction(BaseInstructionVisitor &visitor) (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
description() const =0 | xacc::Identifiable | pure virtual |
disable() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
duration() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
enable() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
getBitExpression(const std::size_t bit_idx)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
getBufferName(const std::size_t bitIdx)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
getBufferNames()=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
getParameter(const std::size_t idx) const =0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
getParameters()=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
getSamples() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
isAnalog() const (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
isComposite() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
isEnabled() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
isParameterized() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
mapBits(std::vector< std::size_t > bitMap)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
name() const =0 | xacc::Identifiable | pure virtual |
nParameters()=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
nRequiredBits() const =0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
setBitExpression(const std::size_t bit_idx, const std::string expr)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
setBits(const std::vector< std::size_t > bits)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
setBufferNames(const std::vector< std::string > bufferNamesPerIdx)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
setChannel(const std::string ch) (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
setDuration(const std::size_t d) (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
setParameter(const std::size_t idx, InstructionParameter &inst)=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
setParameter(const std::size_t idx, InstructionParameter &&inst) (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
setSamples(const std::vector< std::vector< double >> samples) (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
setStart(const std::size_t s) (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
shouldClone() (defined in xacc::Cloneable< Instruction >) | xacc::Cloneable< Instruction > | inlinevirtual |
start() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |
toString()=0 (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | pure virtual |
~BaseInstructionVisitable() | xacc::BaseInstructionVisitable | inlinevirtual |
~Cloneable() | xacc::Cloneable< Instruction > | inlinevirtual |
~Identifiable() | xacc::Identifiable | inlinevirtual |
~Instruction() (defined in xacc::Instruction) | xacc::Instruction | inlinevirtual |