This is the complete list of members for xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim, including all inherited members.
_dim (defined in xacc::OptFunction) | xacc::OptFunction | protected |
_function (defined in xacc::OptFunction) | xacc::OptFunction | protected |
constructMatrixFromPauliString(const std::string &in_pauliString, int in_dimension) (defined in xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim) | xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim | static |
dimensions() const (defined in xacc::OptFunction) | xacc::OptFunction | inlinevirtual |
eval(const OptimParams &in_params, std::vector< double > &out_grads) (defined in xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim) | xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim | |
GOAT_PulseOptim(const Matrix &in_targetU, const Hamiltonian &in_hamiltonian, const dHdalpha &in_dHda, const OptimParams &in_initialParams, double in_maxTime, std::unique_ptr< IIntegrator > &&io_integrator=nullptr, std::unique_ptr< IGradientStepper > &&io_gradStepper=nullptr) (defined in xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim) | xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim | |
operator()(const std::vector< double > &x, std::vector< double > &dx) (defined in xacc::OptFunction) | xacc::OptFunction | inlinevirtual |
OptFunction(OptimizerFunctor f, const int d) (defined in xacc::OptFunction) | xacc::OptFunction | inline |
optimize() (defined in xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim) | xacc::GOAT_PulseOptim |